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异国女郎在巴黎La petite étrangère

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  • 年份:1981  地区:法国  类型:剧情 
  • 状态:已完结 / 05-10
  • 主演:理查德·艾伦,多米尼克·艾夫琳,简·贝克,Norbert Ciret,劳拉·克莱尔,Thierry de Brem,France Lomay,Ulrike Maas,Claude Montal,Carmelo Petix,Guy Roger,Nadine Roussial,Guy Royer,Hélène Shirley,Piotr Stanislas
  • 导演:Claude Bernard-Aubert
  • 上映日期:1981-01-26(丹麦) / 1981-02-18(法国)语言:法语
Plot Summary:While his wife is temporarily out of town, Richard meets a pretty blonde tourist by a fountain; they hook up and have various sexual experiences, including with a prostitute, a stripper in a nightclub and a friend of Richard's and his wife, and an orgy. When Richard's wife returns from her trip, he is in for a surprise--it turns out that she knows Richard's blonde tourist "friend". And that's not all she knows.
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2020-10-29 蓝色世界:终结水危机 brave blue world 2020.english.hd1080p.x x264/1080 1.94GB 下载



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